Keynote Speakers:
- Jame B. Hoesterey, Diplomasi Digital: E-Silaturahmi sebagai Strategi Counter Radicalism
- Budi Pramono, Back to the Culture: Defeating Radicalism with Military Operation Other Than War
- Florian Pohl, Counter-Intolerance in State Islamic Higher Education: Conceptualizing religious diversity in the Study of Religion (Studi Agama-Agama)
- Paul J. Carnegie, Countering Militant Extremism in Indonesia: Between Punitive Action and Preventive Persuasion
- Zainal Abidin Bagir, Religious Governance And Countering Radicalization: An Analysis of Indonesian Legal Framework
Participant Papers
- Ferry Muhammadsyah Siregar Religious Leader, Tafsir, And Salafism In Indonesia: The Role of Religious Leader in the Study of Tafsir in Pesantren Salafi in Java
- Samsi Pomalingo & Arpan Nusi, Violence in the Name of God: Landscape of Radical Islamic Thought and Action in Indonesia
- Labib Muttaqin, Counter Terrorism By the Indonesian National Armed Forces in the Perspective Of the Protection of Human Rights
- Ibnu Mujib, Nurcholis Sunuyeko, and Ali Badar, Integreted Curriculum of Anti-Radicalism in Building Diversity Participation in Schools
- Mulyana, Rudy Harisyah Alam, Sapto Priyanto, Education for the Children of the Former Terrorists in Indonesia: Case Studies of Two Former Terrorist Prisoners’ Families
- Riza Saputra The Core of Salafism: An Apriori Statement and Salafi’s Respons to the Act of Terror.
- Iswahyudi, Demitologization of Local Culture as a Queue to Religious Radicalism: Nurcholish Madjid’s Thoughts on Local Culture in Indonesia
- Zaky Ismail, Aufa R. Fudhali, Bayu Hagai, Fajri Aulia, Muh. Ardhiansyah P Nida F. Nafisah,War, Isis And Women: Memahami Peran Kombatan Perempuan Dalam Kampanye Isis
- Ubaidillah and Arief Hartanto,Religious Disinformation in Indonesia: A Discourse Approach
- Abdul Muiz Amir, From Framing To Flaming: The Perception of Christian Prince’s Comentary Toward The Qur’an In Youtube
- Dyah Indraswati, Anwar Hafidzi, Najla Amaly, Nursaptini, Education System between Religion and the State in Several Islamic Boarding Schools in South Kalimantan
- Wasis Suprapto, Bunyamin Maftuh, Helius Sjamsuddin, Elly Malihah, Conflict Resolution Education Based On Singkawang Mayor Policy
- Mahyuni and Nur Ahmadi, Linguistic and Cultural Demystifying of Sasak Merariq
- Evi Muafiah, Building Early Children’s Responsibility to Anticipate Radicalism in Pelangi Alam Kindergarten
- Toni Ariwijaya, Lale Fatma Yulia Ningsih, This is (not) a Man’s World: Countering Violent Extremism and Radicalisation through the Lens of Women in a Sub- Urban Community
- Muhammad Abzar Duraesa & Muzayyin Ahyar, Millennial Islamic Proselytizing Movement And Post-Islamism Discourse In Indonesia
- Rudy Harisyah Alam, Sapto Priyanto, Mulyana, Early Warning and Early Response for Preventing Violent Extremism in Indonesia: Building Local-level Collaborative Networks
- A.Zaenurrosyid, Arief Cholil, Hidayatus Sholihah, Social Transformative Movement of Ulama and Pesantren at Jawa Pesisiran (Study of the Struggle of Kiai & Pesantren to Prosperous Tradition, Economy, and Moderation of Islam)
- Saparudin, Ideological Trap In Education: Rivalry Discourse on Islamic Literatures in the NW and Salafi Schools in Lombok
- Fathimatuz Zahra, Dissemination Roles of The Turats Ulama Nusantara Groups on the Counter Radicalism in Indonesia
- Abdul Wahid dan Atun Wardatun, Bimanese Women Promote Peace Through Local Wisdom: La Rimpu Experience,
- Fanny Henry Tondo, Counter-Terrorism Strategy in Indonesia: A Language Policy Perspective
- Rosiady Husaenie Sayuti, Radicalism and Poverty in Indonesia
- Mundi Rahayu & Mediyansyah, Terrorism in Popular Media: How Hollywood Represent Muslim Terrorist
- Nina Widyawati, Ana Windarsih & Purnama Alamsyah, Discourse on ‘Islam’ and ‘Kafir’ in 2019 Indonesia Presidential Election : The Challenge of Democracy in the Digital Era
- Saipul Hamdi, Co-Islah, Khidmat, and Socio-Economic Challenges of Tablighi Dawah in Indonesia
- Latifah, Ary Budiyanto, “We Do Not Worship Buddha Images”: Buddhist Response to Religious Bullying in Online Media